Maintenance training center
"In our constantly changing environment, training and maintaining the skills of our teams are essential to the safety of our flights.
Christophe COTTREZ, HOP! Maintenance Quality Manager

Take aircraft maintenance training at HOP! in Clermont-Ferrand
HOP!, which is Part-CAMO, Part-21-J, Part-147 and Part-145 approved, operates an aircraft maintenance technician training centre.

Training center
The training center is part of the airline’s Engineering and Maintenance Division. The Maintenance division provides maintenance for all Embraer aircraft in HOP!'s fleet and has extensive experience on other regional aircraft.
Unique in France, the proximity of our maintenance center will enable you to train on Embraer aircraft under real operating conditions.
We also use flight simulators at Le Bourget for engine start-up and/or taxiing training.
Certifié Qualiopi et agréé Part 147, nous dispensons des Qualifications de Type (QT) T1 et/ou T2 sur Embraer 170/190 et des formations techniques ou règlementaires Part 145 qui répondent toutes aux exigences des autorités européennes.
Contact / Where to find us
Our main training center is located at 149 Avenue du Brézet 63100 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Contact :
On request, we can relocate Part 147 or Part 145 training courses anywhere in the world.
Trainers' expertise
All HOP! trainers are experts in their field, each with over 5 years' experience in Part 147 or Part 145.
Passionate about what they do, they know how to pass on their knowledge effectively, enabling your employees to acquire the skills they need.
If you would like information, a quotation or to register for our training courses, please contact the Training Department at the following e-mail address: We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Once your registration has been confirmed, you will receive an individual invitation with all the practical details. You'll also be invited to let us know if you have any special requirements.
Our main training center in Clermont-Ferrand is accessible to people with reduced mobility. If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact Catherine HERVOUET, HOP!'s Disability Officer:
Terms and conditions
QUALIOPI accredited, we accept OPCO or direct payment.
Our maintenance training courses
- All
- PART 147 training courses
- PART 145 training courses
Participants concernés Toute personne employée dans un organisme de maintenance aéronautique. Prérequis Le stagiaire doit être capable de lire, d’écrire et de s’exprimer dans la langue choisie pour le cours....
COURSE T1+T2 EMBRAER ERJ 190 vers 170 GE CF34
Participants concernés Toute personne employée dans un organisme de maintenance aéronautique. Prérequis Le stagiaire doit avoir suivi et validé une Qualification de Type T1 ou T2 ERJ190. Le stagiaire doit être capable de lire,...
Participants concernés Toute personne employée dans un organisme de maintenance aéronautique. Prérequis Le stagiaire doit être capable de lire, d’écrire et de s’exprimer dans la langue choisie pour le cours....
Dropout rate
Satisfaction rate
D’après 225 stagiaires interrogés
Success rate
Educational tools
Essential to your success, our teaching methods are adapted to the specificities of our training courses.
We look forward to welcoming you in a professional and friendly environment!
Training rooms
"Qualification Type"
The 2 QT rooms can accommodate up to 26 trainees for Part 145 courses and 15 trainees for Part 147 courses.

We regularly use gamification tools (e.g. Kahoot) to run our face-to-face and distance learning courses. The fun aspect of these tools is always much appreciated by trainees, and helps to ensure that content is properly understood.

Flight simulator
2 FFS (Full Flight Simulator) Embraer 170/190 are available from FSI at Le Bourget, for RUN UP or TAXIING training on the Embraer 170/190.

Videoconference rooms
We can deliver all short courses (under 2 days) remotely, thanks to our high-performance video equipment. The number of trainees is limited to 8 for distance learning courses, to ensure maximum interaction between instructor and trainees.